Making polls available for the users

Written By Eventicious Team (Super Administrator)

Updated at January 9th, 2020

For the users to be able to take your poll, you also have to choose the way to place it inside the app. There are several options a poll can become available for the users:

  • Add it to the main menu as a separate section
  • Attach it to a session
  • Add it to a catalog item
  • Send it via push notification and (optionally) copy it to the feed

Adding as a separate menu section

There are two ways to add a poll to the main menu:

  1. Open the poll you would like to add to the menu, open the ‘Settings’ tab and switch on ‘Add to menu’:

To remove it from the menu, just switch off this option.

  1. In the list of all polls, find your poll, click the icon  and click ‘Add to menu’ in the context menu:

If the poll has been added to the menu, this line changes to ‘Remove from menu’:

Attaching to a session

In the app, polls attached to sessions appear on the ‘Polls’ tab of the corresponding sessions:




It is possible to attach multiple polls to one session, and, vice versa, one and the same poll to several sessions. 

There are three ways you can attach a poll to session:

  1. Open the poll you would like to attach to a session, open the ‘Settings’ tab, find ‘Add to session’ field and start typing the session title:

You can type any word from the title, the system will suggest all coincidences — just select the necessary one:

To remove your poll from a session, click the cross button in the session tile:

  1. In the list of all polls, find your poll, click the icon  and click ‘Add to session’ in the context menu:

  1. You can also attach polls to sessions from the schedule section. Go to Schedule and click the desired session:

In the session details popup window, find ‘Survey’ field — it’s under the description area:

Start typing in the poll title and select the necessary one:

To remove the poll from this session, click the cross icon in the poll tile:

Sending a push notification

The systems allows to send push notifications about polls in the following two ways:

  • Automatic push notifications on poll start (not applicable for ‘Always available’ polls)
  • Manually adjustable push notifications

Automatic push notifications can be switched on in global settings and individual settings (see Send notification). Automatic push notifications are sent once when a poll starts; thus, they are only sent for polls with manual and scheduled start and are not sent for ‘Always available’ polls. Text of such automatic notifications is fixed and cannot be changed: it goes “Take the survey - ‘<poll name>’ “.

Instead, manually adjustable push notifications are customizable: you can change the text, send it for any type of poll, schedule it, filter recipients and copy the message to the in-app feed. To create a custom push notification, go to ‘Settings’ tab, hover over ‘Notification’ tile and click ‘Create’:

A popup window for editing will open. A default message in the text field is editable, with a limit of 100 characters (including spaces):


Only applies for cases with several languages available in the app. If your app supports several languages (e.g., Event.Rocks) and your audience is multilingual, you might want to send notification in different languages. To do so, switch off ‘Send the same text to all users’ and fill in the text only for desired languages:



Otherwise, just leave ‘Send the same text to all users’ on and send the message only in one language.

Settings – Filters

You can filter recipients if you would like to send a poll only to a particular group of people, for example, only for employees of a certain company:

Counter will prompt you on how many people are going to receive your push notification.

Copy to feed

You can also select whether you would like to copy this message to your in-app feed so that the users will always be able to find it even if they missed the notification on their devices:

Schedule start

And finally, you can schedule push notification by selecting ‘Schedule notification and picking the time and date:


Poll status in the list

For convenience, all your polls are grouped in 4 columns according to their current statuses:

  • Drafts column contains polls that have not been placed in the app yet.
  • Waiting for start column shows you which polls are about to start.
  • Running column displays all the polls that are currently available for users.
  • Finished column contains polls that have been stopped.

Each poll tile also contains hints on the current statuses and some parameters. You can hover over the icon to read the hint:

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